Learn to draft

Drafting Basics 1 - Online Course

A Series on Drafting

Drafting Better

My friend LiEr over on ikat bag is going to do a series of posts on how to draft slopers / basic blocks on her blog. She has graciously invited me to write a few posts on various related topics and I'm so excited to be working with her on this!

LiEr and I have been friends since attending primary school, in Singapore where we are both from. Our life paths have diverged quite dramatically - she now lives in the U.S. and I've settled here in Malaysia - but one of the many things that has bound us (and kept us sane!) is our mutual interest in all things sewing. In fact, it was she who got me started on this road with the home-made toys she used to bring to school and, later, the home-sewn clothes that she (and then I) would wear when we hung out at the local shopping centre as teenagers. She now has a home-based business selling, among lots of other things, patterns for making soft toys and other items. Here is a sampling of her many talents...

...both sewing

and non-sewing.

Do check out her blog for lots more crafty ideas and tutorials. And also her patterns for some of the toys she makes!

So you can see why I'm so excited about the upcoming series on drafting. It will focus on drafting a sloper for children. The series will span over the next few weeks for a couple of months so you will have a decent pace at which to learn it all (and, more accurately, allow us the time to do all the other things that we do, like mothering, housekeeping, chauffering) and will include these topics:
  • An overview of drafting (as we learnt it and now do it)
  • How to draft an full-body sloper for a child, including the sleeve block
  • How to use the sloper with commercial patterns to (ideally) make those patterns fit your child better
  • How to use the sloper to make your own patterns
  • How to draft different kinds of sleeves
  • How to draft different kinds of necklines
So keep a date with her (and me!) and draft-along with us! Grab the button and read her original post on this and see for yourself why you should :)

(copy and paste this for the image to appear on your blog/site)
<a href="http://www.ikatbag.com"><img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; width: 137px; height: 160px;" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhV6aqpoMZ7Y53RqpCTWpiqNjOlCRRla7SjtIvpeBBbEh60O23veeth9Cg3FR4zrPweNMcDKchVHJlIkdOdNLHs8cvx_pwD49yhxEg98DChS-JuWxbtzksNC2m8RT5RvvAhPHmNpplBNAQ/s400/Button+June+11+New.jpg" alt="" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5481653250965105202" border="0" /></a>


  1. Well hello!

    Am off to bed now, but our computer crashed! The hard disk, lah. I don't think we lost any data, but still.

    Wanted to come and say boy do I remember those home-sewn clothes. That white drill miniskirt painted with streaks of neon plakka paint that kept flaking off on bus seats whenever I sat down/stood up. Woe to whomever sat there after I did.


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